Mercedes Drive Church of Christ

My thanks to the good people in Vance, Alabama and the Mercedes Drive Church of Christ for their marvelous hospitality during my stay with them this week. I was invited to conduct their summer gospel meeting which was held in the Vance Civic Center not far from the Mercedes Benz plant near between Tuscaloosa and Birmingham. This congregation is in its third year and is already growing. Their first building loan has been approved and their is an air of excitement throughout the area. 25,000 people live within a 10 mile radius of the new church building so their is ample evangelism work to be done.

Doug Milligan is the preacher there and also serves as the prinipal of West Blocton High School. He is supported by many in the area who are working to plant a viable, growing congregation. I appreciate Doug and the invitation to be with them. I am also indebted to Jay and Kitty Waldrop and their family for providing my meals. Their daughter Kelli and husband David, along with Teri and her husband John provided meals during the week as well. I was warmly received and cared for. Thanks!

If you are eve in the area visit Mercedes Drive. You will be wonderfully received.

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