Previously, we detailed basic information about the New Testament. Aside from basic facts of the books we asserted that The New Testament is Our Guide to Life and Worship and The New Testament is Inspired. Examine now the implications of what we have previously shown. The New Testament Must Be Handled Rightly The locus classicus must be 2 Timothy 2:15: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be …
Month: April 2017
There is little worse than hopelessness. It is the idea that things are bad and nothing can improve them. We have all been there. Previously, we wrote of hopelessness and its impact on the Christian. A …
Hopeless. Despairing. Gloomy. Sad. Blue. All are descriptors of occasional feelings we must endure. No one travels this path of life without encountering a despondent moment. But we must not remain stuck in the rut …