The solution to financial troubles is very simple. You must increase the money coming in, or you must decrease your expenses. It’s a simple equation but terribly hard to implement. Hypocrisy is similar. Either stop the sin or stop pretending. Again, it is easy to say, but very hard to accomplish. Stop Pretending If you’re struggling with hypocrisy, the easiest thing to do is to stop pretending you are something you are not. People do it all the time. …
Tag: hypocrisy
“Hypocrite” is a nasty word. It’s a slap in the face to be called a hypocrite. Jesus used it for his loudest critics (Matthew 23). He used it of those who were judgemental while ignoring their …
Preachers are hypocrites. There, I said it. If a hypocrite is someone who says one thing but does something else then preachers are hypocrites and this author is foremost. Because our work is so public when …