Fathering is hard work. It’s essential work. And it can be the greatest joy in life. Here are some thoughts to empower your work as a father. Lead from the Front In ancient times, a king would ride into battle ahead of his troops. His presence and shared hardships and dangers with his troops earned him great credibility and honor. He was the rallying point for his soldiers who would fight to the death to protect him. Our cultural battle is …
Tag: leadership
Our culture is dying for leadership. The once proud society which engaged in the greatest experiment in human self-governance is soon to draw its last breath. It is suffering from a disease that touches every member …
In Ezra, Bible General, Daily living, Monday MemoTags courage, leadership, strength120 Views Bryant Evans
Shecaniah is not a household name but it was common in ancient Israel. At least a half dozen people are named Shecaniah in the Old Testament. This unknown Bible leader teaches deep and abiding lessons that …