Jesus breaks Christians. It is a necessity. Every Christian breaks when Jesus shatters his common way of life so that holiness can rule. Our lives, which seem good to us, are melted in the light of the true goodness in Christ. What seems clean and pristine is discovered stained and ruined when brought before the Lamb of God. Jesus said it this way: For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you …
Tag: strength
In Bible General, Church Bulletin, Daily living, EncouragementTags Church Bulletin, fear, strength27 Views Bryant Evans
Today is Patriot Day in the USA. It is a day of memorial for those who died in the terror attacks of 2001. That attack was designed to frighten – terrorize – Americans and remove us …
In Ezra, Bible General, Daily living, Monday MemoTags courage, leadership, strength118 Views Bryant Evans
Shecaniah is not a household name but it was common in ancient Israel. At least a half dozen people are named Shecaniah in the Old Testament. This unknown Bible leader teaches deep and abiding lessons that …
Joseph McKinney tells a remarkable story of struggle and strength found in a new Christian who must face the consequences of her actions. Please read the article at Brotherhood News. …